Reviews and Press

Reviews from productions featuring Alexandre will be posted here including any recommendations from professionals currently working in the industry.

Barnabas Lawson – Freelance  Director

Alex is a great actor, he is prompt to set, hard working and puts himself fully into the character he is portraying. I recommend him and would be very happy to work with him again.

Resul Keech- Freelance Director(Directed Alexandre in the award winning One Night in London)

Alexandre is a very talented and gifted actor. He manages to be precise and professional about everything he does. It was a real pleasure working with him.

Kelly Wilkinson – Freelance Theatre Director

“I have had the pleasure of directing Alexandre, as well as, watching his work with other directors. He is not only a talented performer but is studied and committed. He therefore is able to fully embody any role he is cast in. A true team player and a joy to have in any cast.” cooper – Reviewer

“There’s Only One Wayne Lee” and “Magical Chairs” The Peoples Theatre , Beijing, China.

The two-man cast of Chan and Ross also play dozens of different supporting roles that enrich the main storyline. The Beijing audience seemed to identify well with the imagery of English football culture and the almost instinctive interplay between Chan and Ross, despite the complicated (and sub-captioned) dialogue.

The British Theatre Guide – Reviewer Howard Loxton :

“There’s Only One Wayne Lee” and “Magical Chairs” The Southwark Playhouse , London.

Chan plays Wayne and Ross his idol, the school’s soccer star Carl, a black lad who feels he’s really only good at football. As well as these the two actors play all the other roles, school teachers, parents, siblings, mates, girl friends, rivals and bullies and they are a dab hand (or rather boot) at the footie too. There is a touching hopelessness about Ross’s Carl while Chan’s Wayne bursts with growing confidence.

UK -Reviewer – Carolin Kopplin:

“There’s Only One Wayne Lee” and “Magical Chairs” The Southwark Playhouse , London.

This play is very funny without shirking the more serious questions. The relationship between Wayne and Carl and Wayne’s learning process are the heart of the story. Alexandre Ross and Chris Chan play all the roles with sometimes outrageously funny results.

Alexandre Ross and Chris Chan  are truly exceptional in both productions.

London Festival Fringe – Tina Leung

“There’s Only One Wayne Lee” and “Magical Chairs” The Southwark Playhouse , London.

The plot is nothing new: two teenagers from two vastly different minority groups are united through their mutual love of football. But it was the two young actors who brought this story of friendship, family, racial identities, and the nation’s love of football to life, stitching together the story with the ease of seasoned theatre veterans. Switching between the dozen characters – teachers, friends, and siblings – they shared between them, often in quick succession (and to great comic effect), Chan and Ross showed acting prowess well beyond their years.

The Public Review  – Lettie Mckie

“There’s Only One Wayne Lee” and “Magical Chairs” The Southwark Playhouse , London.

“The story required both actors to play multiple roles, which they took on with aplomb, changing their accents and physiognomy seamlessly to deliver convincingly witty performances: Alexandre Ross was particularly good here.  It was an unexpected pleasure to see and believe his changes from the arrogant footballer leader of the school Carl Wilkins, to the weedy posh boy Oliver, Wayne Lee’s geeky best friend.”

PDF’s of Reviews

Sometimes companies may update their websites and things will go missing.

With this in mind here’s some PDF’s to the reviews above just encase the website link is currnetly not working.

China.Org logo
BBC China
BBC News China
British Theatre Guide Logo
British Theatre Guide


International News Items on “There’s Only One Wayne Lee & Magical Chairs”:

News Shopper Online Publicity Preview 

Dimsum Preview Article

BBC News China Preview 

News Shopper logo


Sun post Newspaper Sun post Newspaper2

Radio Update

Alexandre was on the radio as a guest on Saturday 23rd June 2012 for OnFm Radio 101.4
Alexandre was being interviewed by David Michaels discussing his acting career, how Shoe String Filming was created, why we have a showreel service and what Shoe String Filmings plans are for 2012 onwards.

Hopefully you tuned in at 2pm and heard Alexandre’s interview. However just encase you missed it we have it online right now for you to listen to:

If the Player above doesn’t display you can download the  interview here:  OnFm Radio 101.4 interview  Simply click the link and audio will play in your browser or right click save as to save as an audio file to your desktop.